“Knowledge is the food of the soul.”

- Plato

Áhugaverðir tenglar



Embætti landlæknis starfar í samræmi við lög um landlækni og lýðheilsu. Samkvæmt lögunum er embættinu ætlað að stuðla að heilbrigði landsmanna, m.a. með því að tryggja gæði heilbrigðisþjónustu og efla lýðheilsustarf í landinu.



MAST vinnur að matvælalöggjöf í samvinnu við ráðuneytið og á þetta við um löggjöf í allri fæðukeðjunni, þ.e. frá heilbrigði og velferð dýra, þ.m.t. sjávarafurða, plöntuheilbrigði, fóðri, vinnslu og dreifingu og þar til matur er borinn á borð neytenda.


Rannsóknastofa í næringarfræði

RÍN vinnur á breiðu sviði rannsókna sem miða að því að auka þekkingu á sambandi matar og heilsu. Unnið er að rannsóknum á næringarástandi og klínískum næringarvandamálum, forvörnum og lýðheilsu


The European Association for the Study of Obesity

The leading voice of obesity science, medicine, and community in Europe, representing scientists, health care professionals, physicians, public health experts and patients. 


The Obesity Society

Everything the Society does is done by and for people like you. Every action we take supports professionals in the obesity field and people who are impacted by obesity around the globe.


The World Health Organization, obesity

Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health.


World Obesity Federation

World Obesity Federation represents professional Members of the scientific, medical and research communities from over 50 regional and national obesity associations.


Harvard School of Public Health - The nutrition source

Harvard School of Public Health brings together dedicated experts from many disciplines to educate new generations of global health leaders and produce powerful ideas that improve the lives and health of people everywhere.


The European Food Information Council

The European Food Information Council, is a non-profit organisation. A group of passionate science and communication experts, who believe in a world where people live a healthier life because they know how to.


The International Journal of Obesity

The International Journal of Obesity is a multi-disciplinary forum for research describing basic, clinical and applied studies in biochemistry, physiology, genetics and nutrition, molecular, metabolic, psychological and epidemiological aspects of obesity and related disorders.


Obesity Reviews

Obesity Reviews is the official reviews journal of the World Obesity Federation, which links over 50 regional and national associations with over 10,000 professional members.


The European Journal of Obesity

'Obesity Facts' publishes articles covering all aspects of obesity, in particular epidemiology, etiology and pathogenesis, treatment, and the prevention of adiposity. As obesity is related to many disease processes, the journal is also dedicated to all topics pertaining to comorbidity and covers psychological and sociocultural aspects as well as influences of nutrition and exercise on body weight. Published by EASO.


International Journal of Pediatric Obesity

The International Journal of Pediatric Obesity is a new, peer-reviewed, quarterly journal devoted to research into obesity during childhood and adolescence. The topic is currently at the centre of intense interest in the scientific community, and is of increasing concern to health policy-makers and the public at large.


Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism

Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism: A Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics is the only interdisciplinary journal for high-quality research and reviews in the areas of diabetes, obesity and metabolism. It focuses on clinical and experimental pharmacology and therapeutics in any aspect of metabolic and endocrine disease, either in humans or animal and cellular systems.



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